Cafu Education Admissions System (CEAS)

A robust platform designed to streamline student admissions for educational institutions. CEAS offers a comprehensive suite of features catering to administrators, organization owners, staff members, and school representatives, ensuring a seamless and efficient admissions proces.

Key Features:

1- the system is role-based:

  • admin (can access everything)
  • main account / orgnisation owner (can access orgnisation's student list - orgnisation's applications list - add staff toorgnisation - change staff permissions)
  • sub account/ orgnisation staff (based on the given permissions can : edit studnt - edit applications)
  • school reprisinttive (can access/update thier school details , access new admissions to thier school)

2- Announcements:

  • view / search different announcments
  • (admin)add / delete university / university program news announcments updates

3- Schools:

  • search quick filter differnt universities and see all the details for each unversitites including all the programs
  • (admin)add /edit / delete institutes / universites to the system

4- (admin)program mamanger :

  • (admin)add / edit / delete / delete multiple /dublicate /search / filter school programs
  • (admin)bulk school program add from xlxs file

5- program search :

  • search program by name (arbic / english)
  • filter programs via degree / study language /school / field of study / speciality / country of study
  • the result of search / filter will include list of programs / the prices / discounts /wither if the program is available / wiether if theuniversity is curentaly open for new admitions
  • print the results to a PDF file

6- orgnizationos :

  • (admin)list /search all the orgnizations in the system
  • (admin)add/detele/ edit new orgnizations / egnces to the system
  • (admin)add staff for each orgniztion
  • (admin)edit the permetions for staffin each orgnizations
  • if user is main accont in an orgnization they can edit org details
  • add new staff
  • edit the permetions for the staff

7- students:

  • (admin)list all the students in the system
  • (admin)search / filter students by org
  • (admin)edit /delete studnet details
  • (admin)add /edit studetn attachments
  • add new student to the system
  • if the studnt have no applid programs the user can edit his details

8- applications:

  • add new applications for existing students
  • search /filter applications by status
  • (admin)search / filter the applications by school /status
  • (admin)add/edit/change the status and other details
  • (admin)add conditional and final acceptance to the system
  • (admin)send notifecations to applications owner

9- school represnories:

  • (admin)list/search all school reps
  • (admin)add new school reps
  • school reps are able to edit thier school details / programs
  • school reps can see all applications to thier school and are

10- notifications / messages :

  • (admin)message / leave a note on an applications for applications owner
  • message / leave a note on an applications for the admin

11 - scholarships New:

  • (admin)add , edit , delete scholarships